Click the link below to learn about our life saving statistics and accomplishments in 2023
GuideStar's highest level of transparency is the Platinum Seal of Transparency, which is a recognition that an organization shares important information with the public about its goals, strategies, and achievements, and has demonstrated our
commitment to transparency. In order to be awarded the GuideStar Platinum Transparency Seal, HSV AWL is required to meet GuideStar's strict requirements for transparency on an annual basis. GuideStar Inc., is the premier source of nonprofit information.
To earn the seal, organizations must update their GuideStar Nonprofit Profile with extensive information.
The HSVAWL was recently honored by Best Friends Animal Society for achieving no-kill status by exceeding a 90% save rate for cats and dogs in 2023.
Best Friends Animal Society operates the nation’s largest sanctuary for homeless animals and provides adoption, spay/neuter, and educational programs. The AWL is proud to be a partner of the Best Friends Network, which provides a variety of professional resources and opportunities to help us increase our lifesaving impact.
• AWL, an all-volunteer nonprofit, has no paid employees
and receives no funds from POA.
• We are supported entirely from our modest membership
fees, donations, grants, and fundraisers.
• AWL typically cares for 550+ cats and dogs every year in
our shelter, and even more with our Foster Parent program.
• Most of our funds pay for veterinary care to prepare pets
for adoption.
• Our spay/neuter programs help low-income families in
Garland and Saline Counties.